The Brevard Network is a new initiative created to provide a network of Florida State University College of Social Work alumni and current students living in Brevard. In these difficult times, people need community more than ever. Social work jobs can be challenging even at their best - having a network of people who understand can make all the difference in the world.
More than that, building a network means that, when looking for employment, you might find that a fellow Brevard Network member knows of a position in your field. It means that students with questions on obtaining licensure or finding a field placement will have mentors to whom to turn. It means that there will be people with whom to discuss social work ethics, best practices, or new research. It means that instead of being here, in Brevard, while our FSU community is hours away in Tallahassee, our community will be all around us, just an email, a phone call, or a post away.
Right now, the Network is in its beginning stages; it's being built from the ground up. It is currently a small number of members enthusiastic about coming together into this new community. What will it become?
- An Educational and Career Resource. Knowing other FSU CSW students and alumni in Brevard will help with academic questions, career guidance, and employment opportunities.
- A Knowledge Resource. Social workers learn the available resources in their practice area. They love to share those resources to help those in need. New to child welfare or social services? Ask a fellow member for ideas on where to turn. Helping a veteran find housing? Someone will have the answers you need. Because so many resources are local, having a network of social workers in Brevard to turn to will help FSU CSW members get the targeted information they need.
- Emotional Support. Sometimes you have a bad day, and you just need to talk with another social worker - someone who understands battling ethical dilemmas, or watching people suffer and knowing we just can't help everyone, do everything. Having a network means you can reach out in a forum, or see if anyone wants to get coffee, or grab a sandwich and talk.
- A Place to Host Panels, Forums, and Speakers. Once the threat of COVID is reduced, and we can gather safely, the Brevard Network will have monthly meetings with panel discussions, speakers on topics relevant to social work, and forums. We'll invite people to expand our knowledge of social work issues and discuss those issues amongst ourselves. We'll also have snacks!
- A Chance to Serve. When the Brevard Network is established, members will work to give back to the community. Whether it be fundraisers, targeted assistance, or working together on a Habitat for Humanity house, we'll find ways to serve the residents of Brevard.
If you are an FSU College of Social Work student or alumnus, please consider becoming a Brevard Network member. It will entail as much - or as little - commitment as you have to give. And we would love to have you!
Please fill out the form below; under "Subject", please let me know if you'd like to join the Brevard Network, would like more information, or would like me to get you in touch with someone at the college.